Friday, June 4, 2010

Rustic elegance/music theme

I forgot to mention that while our theme is "rustic elegance" a more subtle theme throughout the day is going to be "music" (imagine that.) The idea is that every table will be named after a musician/band. For example: 

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bruegge
The Rolling Stones Table

And on each table would be a sign with some of that band's lyrics typographically interpreted. AH! I'm so excited just thinking about it!

I found these posters here.

I'm also thinking about having a few trivia questions about each band at each table. The dinner hour can get a little boring at a wedding after everyone is done eating just waiting for the dance to begin. Also, if we close down the bar during dinner this could keep everyone "happy" until the bar re-opens! Plus, whatever table gets the most right gets a prize? Just a thought. I think it could be really fun and give people an opportunity to get to know the other people at their table. What do you think?


  1. hi sweetie!!
    so another cute music themed idea is on the RSVP card for you to have a place for people to request music... I just went to a wedding that did this and all the music was so much fun!

    ox, Alexis

  2. I like that idea! We are going to have a band so the selection will be limited, but it would be fun to see what everyone has to request! BTW--love your blog!


I love comments. Go ahead and show me what you got!